Dudley Jones
My Montage represents, the changes and ongoing change of perception of the disabled. To look at what new technologies and ideas koolhaus may introduce today. He would have greater technologies available to him to create a world without limit for the man in a wheelchair.
José Manuel. Bordeaux. Empowerment of the human conditions.
In the last 20 years Arab Woman role has slowly evolved but with no brake. It's time to take a look to herself to know what she wants and needs in a sort of Self-vouyerism that would lead her to self-awareness, and therefore a definition of her world.
Neus Giménez Agulló
Giuseppe Massacci
Neus Giménez Agulló
Michael Palmisciano-Maison a Bordeaux
This is a house that was born from the need and the desire on the part of the customer to find freedom, in his own home, who lost in a tragic accident. The Rem Koolhaas's brain is able to fulfill this wish and create an architectural project that leads to freedom.
Colleen McKeracher
In Villa Anbar the maid was given a rooftop view of the courtyard where the "heart" of the house is. In 2012 with the massive amounts of cameras we have in the home it would not be unreasonable to assume she could have a portable screen to watch every inch of the house. Although she is the family's employee, she has views of the house that the rest of family doesn't. As a women she is restricted from the men's room and therefore the shutter is still there telling us that although technology evolves very fast, tradition does not.
The architect's desire is what the Muslim woman can see over social barriers which today are slaves.
I can see the dawn of a new era
a new era to live as a protagonist
after a lot of difficulties to be welcomed with open arms.
Jaclyn Ng
In today's society, being physically handicapped no longer distinguishes one from society. Building codes and community awareness has provided comfort to those in wheelchairs. Nowadays, those in wheelchairs do not have to be constantly reminded of their condition; fitting through all doors, easily accessing ramps and elevators, etc. Therefore, could the platform in Maison a Bordeaux be a constant reminder to the owner of the house that he is physically handicapped? Could we design a house that makes the user feel more integrated and forget his condition?
Chris Wilson - Maison à Bordeaux
'Fear, Acceptance, Vision, Vanquish.'