Thursday, 27 September 2012


Group 1

Igor Fracalossi: Some day, I noticed that the architecture seems to be more of a temporary state that one thing space. When one is using the architecture and construction perhaps the architecture itself does not exist. Only at the time that one is looking at the architecture is that perhaps she exists.

German del Sol: maybe you are right. Someone once said that nobody has ever seen an empty part, or a virgin forest. Because at the time that someone enters, the piece is not empty, nor the forest, virgin.
Transformation and Integration, between Heaven and Earth.
Between heaven and earth is ‘Dwelling’, the space where we live.  The bridge, built on a solid foundation, represents the earth; solid and constant.  Built off of that foundation we construct our dwelling space where we travel though time.  This bridge and length of time, is the path we travel, emerging as an older, wiser version of we left.  The sky above us is a constant reminder that there is always more ahead, it promises new experiences.  
The young lady leaves to start her journey; she will encounter and join with others along her course through life.  At the end of her journey, when she has experiences everything along her path, she will be able to look back.  By seeing her past experiences she will know the lives she merged with.
Along with all of this, the meaning of transformation and interaction are crucial, both transform the project into the reality, and that's what we want to convey though the montage, the feeling of change
... which is constant and innocent
... which it's a surprise during the journey along time

Group 2


This montage explores the idea of co-existing with nature as in the House in Lege, but pushes the idea of coexisting beyond what was applied in this case.  In what other ways could a house co-exist with nature besides designing a house to wrap around trees so as the trunks appear within the interior space?  From here the conceptual influences of the Stretto House are brought in such as water, music, light, etc.  Other areas of exploration included artistic expression, architectural tectonics, technology, and materiality.

Group 3

Alicante Students

In the beginning of the world, human was completely within the nature. Then, with time, he discovered sharpening stones and using metal. The worst use of this uses was destroying the nature.
In this house architecture is reversing the time to get back the nature. As the primitive sheltering, coves, exterior and interior are becoming the continuity of each other. Making in habitants to feel free with nature and idea of “being with nature” continuing with the “natural loop of daily life”. Activities are flowing in the house, with graduated levels and organization.
The idea that there is an attitude of connection with the environment and with all of its systems and variables underlies the motivation for sustainability through environmental design. Given the state of our environment, both built and natural, it seems these presumed innate predispositions for environmental morality have given way to convenience.
It is obvious that most everything we do, architectural or otherwise, is a reflection of our attitudes toward nature. Often, most of us don´t consider consciously that our actions and choices are reflective of this attitude. We are, actually, inseparable from nature. 

Canadian Group

2 Hr Charette #1 based on the concept that our 'innate predispositions for environmental morality have given way to convenience' and the contrast between the work / live architectural environment. This charette begins to suggest a potential architectural solution to the design question of what form a  fusion of the Bollen / Mobius house could begin to assume. This potential solution will be further explored in upcoming charettes.  

Group Four

Our group’s take on the contemporary view of accessibility is a comfortable integration between those who are physically handicapped and society. Architecture should provide an environment in which they are not reminded of their disability and others in society do not take notice as well. The universal house should allow all abled and disabled persons the same freedoms and sense of equal access. This can be done through the use of architectural technology, the application of the building code requirements, and the optimization of space. Successful architectural design should subtly cater to all participants of the spaces, without an obvious divide in facilities.

Group Five: Revival and Transcendence of Memories

An architectural space has the ability to evoke memories through two forms of expression: transcendence and revival. Through the exploration of the human sense, a person is able to experience the building in the present while also simultaneously experiencing the past of the space. This changing of time evokes memories of place. It also allows a person to transcend from the physical constraints of the building and enter into a more spiritual realm. This realm is unrestrained from order and rule but instead it allows the person's memories to be in control. A building that integrates the past of the site through the restoration of any existing building elements is crucial to reviving its memory. The ability to explore the history of a building, through both physical elements and the transcendence of space, infinitely increases the qualities of the architecture.