Sunday, 23 September 2012

GROUP 1: Aktion Polophile House + Naked House // Transformation and Integration

Generations and relations - Inés Martínez Diez
Sergio Navarro García
Generational movement, Borja Castillo Alberola
Tatiana Ferrer Sarmiento
THE HOUSE AKTION POLIPHILE.The house of Delia and Saturn.

Human contrast, Juan José Ruiz Hernández
The House Aktion Poliphile

Naked " dwelling ", Jose Díaz Mollá

Hypnerotomachaia Aktion, Rubén Martínez

The 3 Vital Planes [Naked House] by Megan Beange

Aktion House - Emily Monette

Transformation in the Naked House - Aaron Janushewski